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KNOW your score & then GROW your score - the SMART way!

Know and Grow: Our best tips to know and grow

Credit Scores are a huge part of all our life now a days, from getting a house, to getting a job credit scores are playing a bigger and bigger role.  Some people avoid knowing their score because frankly it can be a very depressing reality.  Some watch their score like a hawk day to day. 

It is recommended that you check your credit report a few times a year at a minimum to be sure it is right. The more often you can check your credit report the better. Lucky for you, there are a number of ways to check you score for free. When you are checking your free credit report, make sure you’re accessing the site securely and read any fine print on the site. Check out our recommendations below and happy hunting!


One last note, there is a newer way to raise up your score available where you link your utilities and such to your credit score and you will see it go up!

Our Recommendations for Knowing & Bettering your Credit Score:


1.  With Credit Sesame you will get a free credit score and free credit monitoring.  No credit card is required to join and get the free service level.  You will get alerts whenever there is new activity on your account. You will also get free identity theft insurance!  My favorite feature is the Credit Card recommendations, they have almost every card and matched me up to several. 

Click Here for more information on Credit Sesame.

2.  Freescore360 is another great option if you are looking for a free score and much more, and you get access to all three scores for 7 days.  Once you become a post trial member you get $1mm in identity theft insurance included!  You get daily monitoring, a learning center to help you better your credit profile, and even access to the dispute center.  

Click Here for more information on Freescore360.


3.  Experian Boost is a unique service that we have just come across, which allows you to boost your score just for doing things you already probably do.  You link your utilities and other services and in most cases presto your score will increase.  This is a great new wrinkle in the credit score world and we recommend everyone give it a shot.

Click Here for more information on Experian Boost.

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